El músico ecuatoriano y la salsa 💃

**Now updated with the video, below!


“We had our Spanish lessons from 3-6 on Tuesday instead of 2-5 and no one knew why, it was a “supresa” (surprise). The “supresa” was a famous musician from Cuenca and a Cuban salsa teacher. We first listened and learned about three different traditional kinds of Ecuadorian music and their history. Then we all went downstairs to the same place we had the dance to celebrate Gwen’s birthday (our dancing room if you will) to salsa. The salsa is a relatively easy dance to learn because you always do things in counts of three (1 2 3…4 5 6). I think we really impressed the teacher as he says he has classes he teaches that haven’t learned all we did in an hour and a half. That is all of us except Amanda who had a little trouble keeping her left and right feet straight but she did great and with a little practice and she will dancing with the rest of us. (Sí se puede!) The salsa is a fun dance you can’t dance it without smiling (at least we couldn’t) so everyone left laughing and happy. Everyone wants to practice it more (and we might Friday!) so who knows you might see it in our presentation ; ). We all had so much fun just letting go and listening to the music that I think we will remember at least parts of the salsa for awhile.” Silvia Linnea


She’s not lying. I am really bad at dancing. Good thing my bailarines can keep teaching me! ☺️🙄 Ama

*New Video!


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